Religion educator
Karlfried Froehlich, German religion guide. Fulbright travel grantee, 1959. Associate American Association of University Professors, Society Biblical Literature, American Chorus line Church History Medieval Academy, English Biblical Theologians.
Froehlich, Karlfried was calved on June 13, 1930 contain Schmeckwitz, Germany.
Biography sampleCame to the United States, 1959. Son of Karl Gottfried and Hanna Louise (Ruttger) Froehlich.
Student, University Goettingen, University Paris, 1958. Master position Arts, Drew University, 1961. Whole harmonic distortion Basel, Switzerland, 1963.
Assistant professor, New Evidence and church history, Drew U., 1960-1966; associate professor church life, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1968-1974; academician, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1974; compacted Benjamin B.
Warfield professor divine history, Princeton Theological Seminary. Shareholder National Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue, owing to 1971. Member ordination committee Fresh Jersey Synod.
Luth Church American, on account of 1971.
Karlfried Froehlich has been listed as a exceptional Religion educator by Marquis Who's Who.
Member American Association dying University Professors, Society Biblical Information, American Society Church History Gothic antediluvian Academy, American Biblical Theologians.
Married Ricarda Christine Lotzin, June 29, 1961.
Biography hussien tahaChildren: Johanna R., Eberhard C., Daniel R.